

Tutors International and its specialist division Sea Tutors is sponsoring 18-year-old Dutch student Tobias Zijlstra to take part in the School at Sea programme between October 2019 and April 2020. The sponsorship will enable Tobias to complete the programme which provides students with the opportunity to continue their schooling whilst aboard a sailing ship.

Tobias is taking responsibility for his educational progress and gaining valuable sailing and travelling experience. Tobias provides a first-hand account of his journey in his Tutors International blog.

School at Sea is a talent development and leadership programme which mirrors Sea Tutors’ values of making the world a classroom and providing academic structure to life on the ocean waves.

Recent blog posts by Tobias

Academic Success and Personal Growth: Tobias’s Summer Update

July 9, 2024
Tobias shares his recent experiences and plans, highlighting his academic success, personal growth, and ambitions. Read his latest blog to learn more about his journey and future aspirations. Continue reading

School, Work, and Mopeds: A Bumpy But Exciting Ride!

April 11, 2024
Tutors International mentee, Tobias Zijlstra updates us on how his last term studying on the nautical programme has been going.… Continue reading

Tobias bids Farewell to 2023 and updates on his studies at Nautical Programme atVlissingen

January 9, 2024
Tutors International mentee, Tobias Zijlstra updates us on how his last term studying on the nautical programme has been going.… Continue reading

Charting a New Course: From University to Nautical College on My Journey to Becoming a Helmsman/Mate

May 11, 2023
The last time that I wrote something for my blog was in November last year.  Since then, there have been… Continue reading

Tobias’ Update on Summer and First Semester Studying on the Nautical Programme at Vlissingen

November 11, 2022
It has been four months since I last wrote a blog. A lot has happened in that time, as I… Continue reading

Another Adventure Begins: Tobias is Off to University!

July 7, 2022
It’s been a while since I last updated my blog and with good reason. The past months I’ve spent as… Continue reading

It’s All About The Journey (To Becoming A Helicopter Pilot)

January 13, 2022
Well, here we are: another December, another lockdown. Our Christmas holiday started a week early to limit the spread of… Continue reading

Turning 18, Life Decisions and Wanting to Fly!

July 8, 2021
I want to feel like what I’m doing really matters. [...] Being a voice to people, protecting them and building things that solve important problems such as energy issues and pollution interests me. Continue reading

Reflection and Learning to Lead

March 1, 2021
It has been almost a year since School at Sea ended. I sometimes think back to the places that I visited and where I was this time last year. Continue reading

Goals and Upcoming Events in 2021

December 24, 2020
My goals and things to look forward to for 2021! Continue reading