Tobias bids Farewell to 2023 and updates on his studies at Nautical Programme atVlissingen
Blog post by Tobias • January 9, 2024
Tutors International mentee, Tobias Zijlstra updates us on how his last term studying on the nautical programme has been going.
As we bid farewell to another year on the calendar, 2023, it was a year of significant challenges and events that I am eager to share.
Currently I have been navigating my first year at nautical college and the transition from university for me posed its own set of adjustments. My grades saw improvement but my overall well-being suffered. Recognising the need for a change, I consulted my GP about my medical plan. A change in treatment proved to be a transformative decision, not only did it enhance my focus but also contributed positively to my overall well-being.
I have seen the opportunity to repeat my first year as a valuable chance to solidify my understanding of the basics, and I am optimistic about the subsequent years of study. The current school year commenced on a positive note and I saw improvements in most of my classes, which has been a source of pride, aided by the support of an internal supervisor who ensured I stayed on course. This collaborative effort will enhance my second attempt at the first two years, and establish a more robust foundation for the impending internship.

Scalda Nautical College
Facing the dilemma of choosing between the nautical and technical directions after the internship, I am currently leaning towards the technical side. However, the fondness for both fields poses a familiar challenge of decision-making.

Lessons on Radar have taken place in the above classroom last term
One noteworthy change this year has been the acquisition of my first car, a 2008 Peugeot 107. Despite its age, the car runs well, and I hope to enhance its performance, from changing spark plugs to installing a subwoofer for improved audio and these will serve as practical applications of my academic learnings. Engaging with a community of “City bug” enthusiasts has proven inspirational, although I hope my wallet remains unburdened by major car issues in the coming months!

First car Peugeot 107
Balancing academics with a part-time job at a garage has been a rewarding experience. The role has equipped me with valuable knowledge in car mechanics and electronics, not only benefiting my personal vehicle but enabling me to assist fellow students with their car troubles. This side job has evolved into a fulfilling endeavour, offering assistance to others and sparing them from costly garage visits.
I currently find myself in a positive trajectory. My focus is on maintaining good grades while utilising the extra time to prepare physically for the challenges that lie ahead. The journey continues, and I am determined to navigate it with diligence and enthusiasm.

Charting a New Course: From University to Nautical College on My Journey to Becoming a Helmsman/Mate