Looking Forward to 2022
Blog post by Nampet • February 2, 2022
It’s January 2022 already! Overall, I had a good Christmas and was lucky to get many of the things I asked for: books, clothes (I grew out of them so quickly last year), and some room decorations. I had a lovely start to the new year going window-shopping with friends, but really enjoyed getting back to school. I’ve just started my second term in Year 8. So far it has been really exciting! We have a new form room, along with some new teachers. Happily, this school year has felt much more normal, as everything is now getting back to how it used to be before Covid struck.
Hobbies and Sports
I decided to make some New Year’s resolutions at the start of January: trying to eat healthier and taking up a new hobby. So today, for example, I tried sashimi and I’ve just started crocheting, which is really cool.
I’ve joined the society ‘Book Worms’, where we get to read and discuss books and also to eat my favourite cookies, Oreos! I’ve read a few books recently but the two I preferred were: ‘If We Were Villains’ and ‘It Ends With Us’. I still read whenever I have time – up to three books a day in the holidays – and I’m always adding to the long list of books I want to get through. I recently bought some beautiful hardbacks, one of which was ‘Six Crimson Cranes’. I enjoy reading fiction, but I am slowly edging away from fantasy towards realistic fiction.
Learning a new hobby for 2022
I’ve also been selected for one of the school teams for hockey; we played our first match last month against the Royal Hospital School, which we won 3-1. This year I also qualified for the school’s swimming team. We participated in a swimming gala where I surprised myself by taking first place in the 50-metre breaststroke, which is not my strongest event. At the end of the gala, we were all very pleased to have beaten Town Close School.
This term it is netball season, and, as I am now on one of the school teams, I’m looking forward to playing some matches, as it’s a sport I really enjoy. In PE lessons we have moved on to trampolining, which I really enjoy, and I’m grateful my background in gymnastics has made that a bit easier to learn.
Before Christmas I went for a ballet audition in Covent Garden, London. I did my best but we’re still waiting to hear back. I am hoping to take my Intermediate Ballet exam around Easter time, because then I can move up a group and learn more advanced skills ‘en pointe’! Currently, I’m also learning Grade 6 ballet. I love the long silky skirts and ‘silks’ that we use in the character dance.
Academic Success
We’ve just had our end of term exam results and I feel quite pleased with myself. I got A’s in Maths, Chemistry, Computer Science, Latin, History, Biology and Physics and an A+ for Geography, French and Spanish. I also managed to score full marks in my Spanish test, (including speaking), and scored 54/55 on my French test.
If you can’t tell already, I absolutely love languages and Spanish, French and Latin have become my favourite subjects at school. I’m really looking forward to going on the French trip to Normandy later this year! It will also be my first time visiting mainland Europe, so it’s very exciting.
It looks like the year ahead is going to offer many stimulating experiences for me and I intend to make the most out of everything that comes my way.

Inside Life at The Royal Ballet School Summer Intensive Course